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Highlights from Summer term, second half

And so ends another wonderful fun filled half term and with it another year!

Our theme this half term has been all about ‘outdoors‘. We divided the weeks into various sub themes:- outdoor sports, eating outside (Al Fresco dining!), outdoor animals, road safety,outdoor games and weather  The children had the opportunity to take part in a variety of exciting 1:1 activities, including walking safely over a zebra crossing, making sandwiches (as part of the ‘Al fresco’ week!) and many more. UNCRC article:- Children have the right to partake in activities that are not dangerous.

The last week saw the children take part in Sports Day……. WOW!!  What an achievement for all of them. A huge well done to all of our little sports stars who did an incredible job. I can see some future athletes  there! The children spent a long time practicing for this event and we were so proud of them all.

The children had a wonderful time making their sandwiches (and I’m sure just as wonderful a time eating them?!) There were so many different fillings and combinations. Our Friday children very kindly bought all of the ingredients from either Sainsbury’s or Waitrose when they attended their school trip. We had ham, cheese, tuna, salmon to name a few and a variety of breads, including Brioche, croissants, wraps and many more. Yummy!!

That week, the children helped to make some delicious fruit kebabs. They went down exceptionally well and the children really enjoyed trying different flavours and eating their snack in a different way.


Our school trip for the Friday children was a huge success. We began the day by catching the train to Beaconsfield. The children had a great time waiting on the platform watching the trains zoom by!! When we arrived we split into two groups and went to the shops with our shopping lists. We then gathered together for a snack and played lots of fun ring games on the green. We had a quick lunch in the Curzon Centre before catching the bus back to Chalfont St. Giles. We all had an absolute blast!

It was lovely to see so many of you at the end of year picnic. The weather held out for us (phew!) and a good time was had by all.

We would like to wish all of the children and parents who are leaving us a very fond farewell. It has been a pleasure having you all and you will all be greatly missed. We wish you all the very best with your next exciting adventure. We would also like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has helped and volunteered for our Pre-School. We could not do it without you and your help is so appreciated.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer! And we look forward to seeing our lovely returning children on Wednesday 6th September. xxx