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Wow, what a lovely busy half term we have had at Seer Green Pre-School!

we started the half term off by recognising and discussing with the children Remembrance Day. Each child was given the opportunity to make their very own poppy to take home. They had the choice to make either a poppy on a lolly pop stick or make one as a badge. They all looked beautiful and unique.

On the Friday of that week, the children had the chance to walk up to the war  memorial in Seer Green and lay down a wreath.

We  introduced the idea of helping others and talked about how the soldiers help us and the purpose of the poppy. (UNCRC article 19: children should be safe from harm). This idea then rolled into the next week where we discussed with the children how we look after ourselves. We are delighted that this half term, Pre-School was awarded our ‘Smile’ award. This recognises the importance of good oral hygiene. To promote this with the children, we turned the home corner into a dentist. It was fabulous watching the children engage in their imaginative play, taking it in turns to play various roles, dentist and patient. We had various toys and games out for the children, including a very large tooth brush and set of teeth! One of our 1:1 activities was for the children to match an animal to a process of teeth cleaning, for example: a bone and a dog. Below is our display board:

And so then came Christmas. What a wonderful time we have all had building up to the end of term! All of the children each made a bag for their crafts. See below:

The children filled their bags with lots of Christmas goodies that they made. Decorations, cards and more, including these lovely Christmas bells:

Many of the children helped to decorate our glorious Christmas tree. (UNCRC article 36: children should be protected from dangerous activities).


Isn’t it beautiful?! The children worked so hard on it!

The children all made their cakes and after decorating them, took them home…. were they as delicious as they looked?!

In the last week, we had our wonderful Nativity performance. All of the children worked incredibly hard and they all did such a lovely job! Well done to all. Our annual Christmas party was a huge success! With a visit from a very special person. I wonder who…?? There was also lots of games, yummy food and music.

On the last Friday of term, the children engaged with some Christmas activities (after their fabulous performance!) This included making pizzas to eat for lunch, decorating biscuits and making some lovely snowman pictures.


Everyone at Seer Green Pre-School wishes you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year and we are very much looking forward to resuming play on Tuesday 9th January.🎄