The children ( and staff!) have thoroughly enjoyed our big Dinosaur theme.
All of the children have had the opportunity to engage in a variety of adult led activities. They created some amazing fossils using clay, mini beasts and cutters. The end result was very effective. Below are some examples:
Another activity we had was to Discuss which Dinosaurs were Herbivores and which were Carnivores. Ask your children if they can tell you any. We played a game during Music and Movement where the children had to decide which Dinosaur they would be and whether they were a Carnivore or Herbivore. We also thought about how they might move. Fast and speedy if chasing prey!?
Our most exciting activity came in the last 2 weeks. To begin with the children all painted their own egg. Then with the help of some of the children we made a giant nest to put them in:
The children each placed their eggs inside and we waited…..
The following week we returned to Pre-School to find that the eggs had hatched!!
We talked talked to the children about where they might have gone….. and decided to go on an adventure and find them!!!
Here is a short video of the beginning of our dinosaur hunt… see if you can see any Dinosaurs lurking in the bushes or in a tree!!
Many of the children helped us to create our fabulous display board. They put in so much effort, ranging from decorating, hunting outside for leaves and grass and painting their wonderful creations. A solid team effort!!
We look forward to seeing you all again for our final half term of the year on Monday 5th June.