Quality Improvement Plan
The committee and staff at the Pre-School are constantly looking for ways in which we can improve our setting further. Each year, we set out our priorities for improvements in our Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). Our targets for the 2019-2020 academic year are as follows:
1.Continue to look for ways to improve planning for older and more able children to ensure activities and experiences challenge and extend learning. This will involve the following actions:
·Staff discuss current process of planning and identify changes
·Put suggested changes into practice
·Staff discuss how activities could be differentiated more effectively for for more able children.
·Put differentiation into practice.
2. Establish a child-friendly system of obtaining children’s views on their Pre-School. This will involve the following actions:
·Staff training on a framework for listening to young children
·Staff use the tools with the older children
·Staff discuss the findings and identify potential improvements to provision
3. Improve our provision for technology. This will involve the following actions:
·Staff discuss what our aims are for technology and what we currently offer
·Research what is available
·Purchase new software and/or technological toys and staff undergo training